Monday, September 22, 2014

Reading 4

"The Possibility of Reaching  Bax’s  Normalization in our Saudi context: Why is it possible ?When is it possible/reached/achieved?
 How will it be reached?

     Normalization is the process of organizing information on the database and as bax’s defined is the stage when technology is invisible and can be developed by using it.

      In Saudi Arabia there is a technological schools and classrooms yet the teachers do not know how to use it properly as they are a Digital Immigrants. Our students have the knowledge of how to use technology and know very well that the future depends on them but still no matter what happens with the teachers they are still under the required or needed ability of using technology that’s why they should make space for the new generation of teachers who had studied how to teach in using technology and can work it very well with the new generation of students. The government has already provide schools with all technological equipments and students are also ready to be taught by it yet we are waiting for the correct generation of teachers who will achieve what bax’s had talked about .

Friday, September 19, 2014

Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants

     It’s true that digital natives cannot stand the old fashion teaching styles so immigrants have to come to their level without losing the benefits of the old style of teaching. 
      In Saudi Arabia the new generation of teachers will be digital natives so I don’t think there will be a problem in teaching them because they share the same digital knowledge but they also have to be updated so they don’t lose touch with their students. Still there is digital immigrants teaching these days but it won’t be a huge problem because their students are also still learning to be digital native. In the future teaching and learning process will differ and both generations will be ready for it.

just reminding *

life is full of joy 


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Stages of CALL

The Three Stages of CALL

First, Behaviouristic CALL, from 1960's till 1970's and it was about tutor.
    Second, Communicative CALL, from 1970's till 19080's and it was about practicing.
Third, Integrative CALL, multimedia, use World Wide Web.

Terms to Know

Terms to Know

E-learning: is the electronic learning. 
Online learning: is learning through the use of the internet. 
Bended Learning: is the combination of both online learning and traditional learning. 
Mobile Learning: is learning through using your own device.
  Social Bookmarking: is a web service that saves references and favorite sites.
Internet: it is a massive network of networks that connects people all around the world and share data with all different languages throughout a protocol.
World Wide Web: is the way of accessing information through the internet, HTTP is the protocol language.
Plagiarism: is to steal someone Else's thoughts and pretend it is yours.
Citation: is the way to inform your readers about the source of the information.
Netiquette: is a set of practices created over the years to make the internet experience pleasant for everyone.


Saturday, September 13, 2014


.welcome to my blog where I'm going to be blogging about me and whatever i like , i hope you like it